Equipping the Called

Students graduating from seminary often complete their training with a sizable debt. The Asbury Seminary Foundation was designed to provide scholarships to students, enabling them to enter into full-time ministry and graduate debt-free.

All students who are attending Asbury Theological Seminary from the South Alabama and West Florida regions are eligible to receive aid, whether they are registered in a part-time or full-time program. Students can be enrolled in any master’s degree at the Wilmore, Orlando, Extended Learning, or Distributed Learning campuses.

The Asbury Seminary Foundation awards scholarships to students who are approved candidates for ordained ministry. For each year of support from the Asbury Seminary Foundation, the student will be expected to serve in ministry in our area for a full year.

The Asbury Seminary Foundation was instrumental in supporting me as I attended seminary. I was able to graduate debt-free. I am so thankful for the generous support and the wonderful education that I was able to receive.
— Rev. Reed Hoppe